PTA Association Meeting #2

When: Thursday, February 13, 2025, at 8:15 AM
Where: MUR (Multi-Use Room)

This isn’t just another meeting—it’s a BIG deal! Here’s why:

We’re Voting on Important Items, The Agenda Includes:

Approving the Nominating Committee, which helps select our future PTA leaders.

Voting on the updated bylaws that will help guide our PTA moving forward.

Plus, handling other important PTA business that keeps everything running smoothly.

talent show

February 26th


Our school talent show is just around the corner! All performer spots have been filled, and we can't wait to see the amazing talent on display. Mark your calendars for the show on Wednesday, February 26th! This is a free community event. All are welcome to support our very talented Ocean Air performers!


Click here for the Volunteer signup form



Our Membership Campaign is running now through April 30th. Our goal for the 2024/2025 school year is 100% participation from all families.


Joining and donating does not require you to volunteer, however, we appreciate any time you are willing to give to the students.


All students whose families join during the membership campaign will receive a gift. Classrooms with a 90% or above participation rate receive a gift - Not to mention bragging rights!


For more information, read about your membership here: MEMBERSHIP PAGE

We hope you will join us today!


Click here to join the PTA. 


Send an email to to join the Ocean Air WhatsApp Group


  Click Here to Follow Us on Instagram: Ocean Air PTA

If you already have a Membership Toolkit account with another organization,
you can use the same log-in.
Be sure to download the Membership Toolkit Mobile App.








Have PTA Expenses?

Check out the Reimbursement Request page for forms and details

Staff Minigrant?

Check out the Minigrant page for forms and details

February Breakfast and Lunch Menus!!

Image number 1 in a rotating selection of images.

Click on image to enlarge

NEW Spirit-Wear for 2024-25

Brand new design for Ocean Air spirit-wear for the 2024-25 school year! Online spirit-wear store NOW OPEN! No restocks - when it is gone - it's gone!