
We have so much going on and so many ways to get involved here at Ocean Air. Programs at our school are founded in building community, spreading health and awareness, building STEM skills, and having fun!


Check out the programs we have planned for the year below and sign up on our Volunteer Interest Form to join an event or program planning committee. Planning committees start to meet prior to the event and handle all of the details with the help of our board members. We need and value your help and input.


Most importantly we need chairpeople to help run our programs. The role of a chairperson is to organize a committee of volunteers and make sure each program runs smoothly. Chairs can be an all year long commitment or just for a single event. If you would like to donate your time to a specific event please contact the chair. If you are interested in becoming a chair for an event please email our PTA President at

Back To School Bash

Chair: Christa Gallego

Come hangout at school and say hello to new friends and old as we get back into school mode with this community event. This event features free Hawaiian ice for kids, DJ spinning summer hits, bubbles, field activities, and hula - hoop contests! Bring your own food or purchase from a food truck onsite. This is an easy breezy event to come hang out and get to know our school community. Committee is responsible for booking vendors, organizing food, and games.

BooHoo - WooHoo Coffee

Chair: Rachelle Wenzel

Sad about parting with your Kindergartner for the first time? Or super excited to send your kids back to school? Either way -  come join us on the first day of school in the MUR for a coffee or tea, and some chat. Principal Bernsten will be there to say hello. Dad’s club will be around to meet and greet old and new members alike. Of course the PTA board will be around for any questions you have and all the ways you can get involved in our school community this year! The committee for this event will purchase coffee and tea.



Field Day

Chair: OPEN

A fun filled day that celebrates the end of the school year. Students spend the day outside playing games and running obstacle courses. Committee for this event is responsible for organizing the day, booking vendors, and working with our PE instructors and volunteers to organize games.





Chair: Andrea Kao

We want to show our appreciation to staff, parents, and volunteers throughout the year! From pop-up coffee carts, to the staff Gratitude Luncheon and Staff Appreciation Week, hospitality is the way the PTA says thank you with small random acts of kindness - and mostly coffee. Committee will be a year round position that is responsible for assembling volunteers that can be readily available for mornings or lunchtime. Mostly bringing coffee or bagels and would like to organize our volunteer appreciation breakfast and dinner. 


International Night

Chair: Karen Hess

In school event featuring food trucks and desserts from around the globe! 6 countries are featured every year by our wonderful parent volunteers. Including performances and Music - this night is a fantastic way to learn about all the cultures that make up Ocean Air. Parents can sign up to bring a favorite dessert or sign up to host a country table. Each table will include 3 crafts that are representative of each country. Students will receive a passport at entry and receive a stamp for each table they visit. Committee for this event will organize parent volunteers and tables, organize performances, book food trucks, and run the event.


Math Club

Chair: OPEN

Math Club is offered to our 5th and 6th grade students as a way to participate in national contests and weekly challenges. Math clubs help students gain confidence and have higher math scores. Weekly challenges include puzzles and games all with the goal of making math fun! To register for 5th grade, click here. To register for 6th grade, click here.

National Awareness Weeks

Chair: Karen Hess

National Awareness Weeks include Red Ribbon Day, Great Kindness Challenge, and Wellness Week. Red Ribbon Day is an early-intervention program to create awareness of healthy living choices. The Great Kindness Challenge is a weeklong program that creates a culture of kindness within our school. From anti-bullying to encouraging small acts of kindness, this week is a time to create positive interactions for students. Wellness week focuses on both mental and physical health and wellness. Past activities have included lunchtime yoga, meditation, and art. Committee for these days and weeks will create themes and activities to be held during school.


Running Club

Chair: Mariam Aghajan

This is a voluntary activity that the students at Ocean Air can participate in.  Students can come out to run one lap or several; it’s all their choice. One of the best parts of Running Club is watching the students year after year run faster and achieve more miles than the previous. Running club is a non-competitive way for the students to achieve personal goals. Committee for this event is present on campus and organizes kids running records.


Science Olympiad

Coach: Karen Chen

Founded in 1984, Science Olympiad is the premier team STEM competition in the nation, providing standards-based challenges to 6,000 teams at 425 tournaments in all 50 states. Science Olympiad provides hands-on, inquiry-based activities (or as we like to call them, Events) challenge students in grades K-6 to build their own understanding of basic scientific concepts, like measurement, force, engineering design, and energy. Committee for this event plans activities, collects donations for the event, and works with volunteers. To register, click here



Spring Festival

Chair: Christa Gallego

Celebrate all things Ocean Air and all things Spring this year for a new event in 2024. Featuring Food Trucks, Carnival Games, Free STEM activities, Sensory Areas for our special needs students and so much more! There are surprises and prizes around every corner so please save the date! The committee for this event will create a theme, book vendors and organize the prize booth.




Sweethearts Dance

Chair: Rachelle Wenzel

Calling all dancers! This event is hosted by our Dad’s club in the MUR. Traditionally a dance for Father’s and Daughter’s this event is open to any parent or guardian who would like to attend. Theme TBD. Sign up with Dad’s club for more information.


Talent Show

Chair: OPEN

So popular we have made two shows! Does your student have a special talent? We want to see them shine! This in-school event is hosted in our MUR. Students from K - 6 are encouraged to audition. Acts include dancing, singing, piano, comedy, special talents and tricks. Please be ready to commit to auditions and rehearsals if necessary. Space is limited! The committee for this event will come up with a theme, host auditions and rehearsals, manage the sound system,  and organize both events.





Have a Great Idea for a Program you want to see at our school? Let us know!