Volunteer opportunities


The PTA is fully ran by parent volunteers and we utilize all types of skill sets and time availability to support our students and school. Roles include: chairpersons for various events and program committees, committee members, general parent volunteers at events and during school hours for in-school programs,  designing materials and website content, and organizational roles for maintaining supplies and data. Whether you prefer to be on campus with the students or if its easier for you to have tasks you can do from home, we need you help! If you are interested in being included in our Volunteer Database, where you will get first communication about upcoming opportunities, please fill out the Volunteer Interest Form. 


Keep an eye out for signups here on membership toolkit for specific volunteer opportunities.


DMUSD requires all volunteers that are on campus during school ours have a volunteer form on file with the front office. Proof of a negative TB test is also required. If you plan to volunteer on campus during school hours, please verify that this documentation is on file with the office.

DMUSD Volunteer Application


Please check out our Programs and Fundraising sections of our website. If you see an event or program that sparks your interest, or have general questions on how you can get involved, please contact VP Membership and Volunteers, Jane Ye at volunteers@oceanairpta.org