OA PTA Room parents

Thank you for volunteering to serve as the room parent for your child’s classroom. The time you spend in this capacity is greatly appreciated by the teacher, students and other classroom parents.

A room parent is a parent or guardian who provides essential help to teachers in organizing special activities inside and outside the classroom setting.

Room Parent responsibilities include:

  • Meeting with the teacher to discuss his/her needs for upcoming activities
  • Organizing volunteers for class and school events
  • Communicating with parents
  • Coordinating the collection of food and supplies for classroom parties and school events

At the beginning of the school year, please schedule a meeting with your child’s teacher to discuss ways you can support him or her. This is a great time to get to know each other and for you to gain an understanding of what special activities are envisioned for the year and what your role will be.

After that meeting, it is a good idea to send an email or letter home to the other parents introducing yourself as the room parent. You could include the events schedule and possibly a questionnaire on how other parents prefer to help. If there are multiple room parents for your class, it is always helpful to pick one person to serve as liaison to the teacher to simplify communications.


Communication Guidelines
Please do not use the list of parent emails from each class to send PTA or school reminders, unless PTA Room Parent Liaison informs you to do so. Emails are to be sent to communicate classroom parties, needs, or events only. To protect the privacy of others, please use the “BCC” function, to hide the email accounts of others. School email addresses are not to be used for solicitations or to express personal points of view.


Thank you so much for all of your efforts as a Room Parent! Please do not hesitate to contact us with any questions or concerns you might have. We are here to help you at any time.
Room Parent Liaison Alona Stein roomparentliason@oceanairpta.org
Ocean Air PTA Room Parent Guidelines (link when available)
Room Parent Reimbursement Form (link when available)